How Our Modular Leadership Development Programme maximizes Development

Leadership development programmes are most effective when designed thoughtfully to create lasting change.

Our modular Explorers Mindset Leadership Programme, structured over nine months, is designed for sustained impact. The rationale behind this extended timeframe is rooted in the understanding that leadership growth is not an overnight process. But, one that benefits from consistent engagement, reflection, and application over time.

Research supports the idea that spaced learning, where material is presented over time rather than in concentrated bursts, is highly effective in improving long-term retention. A 2013 study published in Psychological Science found that individuals who engage in spaced learning perform better in knowledge retention and application compared to those who engage in crammed or intensive sessions over a short period. This incremental approach provides the opportunity to practice new skills in real-life settings, reflect on outcomes, and refine approaches before moving on to the next module.

A prolonged Leadership development programme like our also offers participants more time to develop relationships with mentors, coaches, and peers, which can lead to more personalised insights and deeper, more impactful learning. The social support provided by these connections contributes significantly to both accountability and personal growth. By the end of the programme, participants have not just learned new leadership skills but have had the time to practice and make them habitual.

Experiential Learning, beyond the classroom

While traditional classroom learning has its place, leadership skills are best honed through experience. Experiential learning—learning by doing—brings theory to life and allows individuals to develop and test leadership strategies in real-world situations. This hands-on approach is crucial for developing leaders who are capable of responding effectively to the unpredictable and often complex challenges they will face in their careers.

Many of us can relate to the idea that we truly learn a skill or concept when we put it into practice. Whether it’s leading a team meeting, managing a project under pressure, or handling conflict resolution, experience teaches lessons that no textbook or lecture ever could. Leadership is inherently about action, decision-making, and adaptability, all of which are difficult to master without first-hand experience.

The experiential Expedition that each cohort designs and undertakes is designed to challenge participants’ existing boundaries on risk, while applying personal and leadership learnings in a physically and mentally challenging environment.  This approach locks in and reinforces new insights and skills.

The renowned educational theorist David Kolb emphasized that adults learn most effectively when they are able to experience new ideas, reflect on them, conceptualize them, and then actively experiment with them. By engaging with all these stages of the learning process, participants in our Explorers Mindset leadership development programme emerge with a deeper, more personal understanding of leadership.

Creating Lasting Change

Creating lasting change in leadership development is not simply about teaching new skills—it’s about fostering a shift in mindset, behaviour, and self-awareness. Our programme’s unique delivery methods are tailored to ensure that this transformation sticks long after the participants leave the classroom.

One of the ways we achieve this is by integrating reflective practices throughout the program. Reflection, as supported by studies in leadership education, is a critical element in helping individuals connect new knowledge to their own experiences. It is through reflective practices like journaling, peer feedback, and coaching sessions that participants can identify how their behaviours and habits have shifted over time.

Our Leadership development programme also emphasises the importance of incremental change. Instead of overwhelming participants with large-scale changes to implement at once, we encourage them to focus on small, manageable shifts. According to the Journal of Organizational Change Management, gradual and incremental changes are more likely to lead to sustainable behavioural adjustments compared to drastic overhauls. Over the course of nine months, participants are able to focus on evolving specific aspects of their leadership style, integrating these changes into their daily lives and practicing new leadership approaches in their real-world environments in between learning modules.

The Power of Storytelling in Leadership Development

One of the most unique and engaging elements of our program is the use of storytelling and metaphors, particularly from historical figures and explorers, to enhance the learning experience. Storytelling has always been a powerful teaching tool, allowing complex ideas to be communicated in ways that are both memorable and relatable.

The use of stories from historical explorers, such as Ernest Shackleton and his famous Antarctic expedition, serves to illustrate critical leadership lessons like resilience, vision, teamwork, and decision-making under extreme pressure. By drawing parallels between these stories and modern leadership challenges, participants are able to see leadership principles in action and understand how they might apply them in their own context.

Cognitive neuroscience research has shown that stories activate multiple areas of the brain, engaging emotions and aiding in memory retention. By embedding leadership lessons within compelling narratives, we tap into the brain’s natural affinity for stories, making the learning process more immersive and impactful. One of the key features of how we conduct the Explorers Mindset Leadership Programme is the guest speakers we feature throughout the programme – the ‘Voices of Experience’ who each share their story, bringing their own perspectives and insights into leadership. 

Storytelling also helps to build emotional connections, both with the material and with peers. When participants share personal leadership stories or draw lessons from historical figures, they foster a deeper sense of camaraderie and empathy within the group. This collective experience amplifies the learning impact and makes the leadership journey more meaningful.

The Explorers Mindset leadership development program is designed to create deep, lasting change through a thoughtful combination of modular, experiential, and storytelling-based approaches. By engaging participants over an extended period, encouraging practical application, and connecting leadership concepts to timeless narratives, we ensure that the impact of the programme resonates long after its conclusion.

Register your interest for our next Open Enrolment Programme, commencing November 26 & 27 2024 in Christchurch, New Zealand.