How to develop an “Explorers Mindset” in Leaders in your organisation

After the successful launch of The Explorers Mindset Leadership Programme with the The Warehouse Group in New Zealand through 2022/23, we are concluding the 2nd and 3rd tranche of the programme, with Patties Foods from Australia and Frequency in New Zealand. The programme has proven itself to be a unique and effective way to develop leadership capability.

What is it?

A leadership programme to develop leaders with an Explorers Mindset, able to navigate change and challenge boundaries in volatile times.

Designed and facilitated in partnership with the Antarctic Heritage Trust, the programme nurtures the spirit and adventure of famous Explorers; their leadership approach, their mindset and the incredible stories of their courage and achievements. Focusing on legends including Ernest Shackleton, Robert Scott & Roald Amundsen, the programme brings timeless leadership lessons to current-day executives, creating a sense of adventure, possibility and growth to meet the challenges of the present age.

The Explorers Mindset Leadership Programme is conducted in four stages over nine months in a modular fashion, beginning with a two-day immersion into the mindset of the Explorers, followed by a series of half-day self-discovery and learning modules, concluding with an opportunity to apply learnings in today’s world through an outdoor challenge; to “put oneself in the shoes of an explorer”. The programme concludes with a reflection, application and celebration phase.

The Explorers Leadership Model

Through detailed research into the Antarctic Explorers from the heroic age, we’ve built a model and 360 survey of the six key attributes that define their leadership approach. What we found was that these six timeless attributes – Curiosity, Conviction, Loyalty, Resilience, Risk Tasking & Courage – are as relevant today as they were 100 years ago. Through reference to the past, we’ve been able to draw insight into how leaders can solve today’s problems through a deeper understanding of human nature, and how leaders respond in challenging situations.

The inaugural programme attendees told us the programme was like no other they had attended. The programme is proving to help develop more passionate, thoughtful and committed leaders. It taps into the emotional side of transformational leadership, beyond reason and rationality – it’s decidedly not like traditional leadership programmes.
It challenges participants to have a growth mindset and to stretch their own sense of possibility by reference to historic greatness. Participants emerge from the programme with a greater sense of personal conviction, self-belief and a skill set to navigate and lead in complex, challenging times.

The Outdoor Challenge

One of the highlights of the programme is the outdoor ‘Expedition’ that challenges participants’ boundaries on risk, as they design and then apply their personal leadership learnings in a physically and mentally challenging environment. The first expedition had the cohort planning and training to hike, cycle and raft across the South Island of New Zealand as a group, led by accredited adventure guides. Coming towards the end of the programme, it’s a chance for participants to test themselves in what for many will be a significant stretch.


The inaugural programme with @The Warehouse Group exceeded expectations; the engaged and capable cohort who attended endorsed the concept:

“The programme you’ve put together in one of the most creative leadership approaches I’ve seen in my career – the narrative you’re threading is exceptionally creative, the guests you’re introducing are world-class and the quest this is attached to is unique. Without question, you are onto something magic here and I cannot wait to see that come to life at scale for our company and Generator Talent. Congratulations.”
– Inaugural Participant Testimonial

Who is it for?

The Explorers Mindset Leadership Programme has been developed for senior or high potential leaders seeking to deepen their self-awareness, to develop a different mindset and to apply techniques and approaches to make themselves a more thoughtful and compelling leader of people in a world of constant change and complexity. The programme can be conducted with a cohort of 12 from a single organisation, or as an open-enrolment programme, with attendees from multiple organisations.

About Us

The involvement of the Antarctic Heritage Trust creates unique value through their stewardship and preservation of the Antarctic Huts of Scott, Shackleton & Hillary. We have also assembled an amazing roster of Guest Speakers who add their perspectives to leadership, from a current-day explorer to authors, a medical doctor and an entrepreneur/philanthropist.
Generator Talent bring a proven ability in executive development, having 15+ years consulting in Executive Development across ANZ, and being the co-creators and facilitators of the “Accelerating Leadership Presence” program, conducted for more than 10 years with 300+ Alumni.

You can learn more about this unique experience by visiting the website, or getting in contact with me at Generator Talent.